Mobile Telephony and Computing: Moving Down the Product Lifecycle

At the Mobile Wednesday event last week, the speakers approached at mobile telephony and computing with distinctly different viewpoints yet both were clearly in the maturity phase of the product lifecycle. AT&T’s Rod Nelson encouraged us to purchase more features that would make our mobile phone our own in his personalization campaign, while FedEX’s Ken…

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Advanced Computing, Part 2: Markets and Cash

If there is anything this economic downturn has taught me, it is the importance of cash. Businesses rush to cash opportunities and employees seek the highest bidder within acceptable constraints. While I am impressed with the new technologies that are finally coming to market, we have to ask if they will bring the same economic…

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Advanced Computing, Part 1: Markets and Skill Sets

For years, the major advance of corporate computing has been the dissemination of OO programming or ERD and relational databases. When it came to advanced computing, firms would turn to SAS to do a little statistical analysis. Data warehouses came on board with means to slice and dice data for decision making, yet their cost…

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Customer Lifecycles

Much to their detriment, many businesses in B2B markets consider issues of consumer buying behavior theory irrelevant. While much of customer lifecycle theory originates in B2C marketing, it can be profitably mapped into B2B marketing and sales. The basic sequence according to consumer buying behavior can be listed as follows: Goal Activation, Awareness, Attribute Learning,…

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More on Website Design

While some design firms produce nice looking sites using Flash, these same techniques force limitations that call their value into doubt. Specifically, the limitations affect search engines, multi-windows, and CAP technology. On the search engine front, web crawlers and search engines have difficulty finding text within web sites that rely heavily upon frames, Flash, and…

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Texture of a Site – Norman Inc.

Websites are an evolving creature. Initially, they were simple informational sites. They contained gobs of content describing the corporate venture, the principals, products, and other aspects of a business. As time has gone by, firms have moved from an information posting viewpoint to a brochureware viewpoint, and now beyond. The future of websites appears to…

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